Title: Superman II (1980)
Next year, in 2010, the sequel, Superman II, released in 1980, will also turn 30 and I doubt it will gather much celebration either. That's too bad, because these two movies, Superman I and II, are landmark films 30 years after they've been released. Christopher Reeve is perfectly casted and no one has been able to topple him as the Man of Steel ever since. Not in cinema. And not on TV.
Superman II DVD
Superman II has already been released on DVD and Blu Ray and, curiously, there is a version called the Richard Donner cut. Interesting about this is that Richard Donner did not direct Superman II despite creating a masterpiece with the 1978 original. According to IMDB, he had a clash with the producers and the job went to Richard Lester instead. However, there were enough footages that were filmed by Richard Donner so that another version could be made, and it was.That's great! More Superman for the fans.
Quotes from Superman II
"He's dead. Superman is dead! He's not coming out.""They've killed Superman! What are we gonna do now?"
"LEX LUTHOR! Possibly you've heard the name? the Greatest Criminal Mind on Earth!"
"They come from there, a place called Houston."
See collectible Superman 13 inch figures.